However, not allowing a penalty from the third perspective is the biggest minus point of this version. Download Game Winning Eleven 9 10 atau pes 6 Full For Pc Terbaru 2016 Terdapat juga versi lainnya yaitu untuk ppsspp, ps1, 2013, 2012, cheat, tricks, Online, Android, Jar, HP Java, Laptop, dan winning eleven 2015 untuk ps2 Winning Eleven 12 is also known as WE 12 which is mod version extracted from WE 12, WE 13, WE 14, WE 15, WE 16 and WE. In terms of the graphics of the game, the pitch color is relatively harmonious, the character lines become more and more clear, along with the rapid sound of cheers every time a goal is scored also becomes more and more realistic.

In this version, the authenticity is the core element that is focused on development, the crystal, the tire, the ball, the ball, cross or shot have been upgraded to show the “heavy” from the ball. Its the eleventh edition of the Pro Evolution Soccer series made and. Winning Eleven 2012 App has many new features and game modes that you.
The AI index of the goalkeepers in this version has also been reduced to avoid the “inviolability” situation in the opponent’s goal (due to the goalkeeper’s AI index is too high). Winning Eleven 2012 Konami WE 2018 Apk mod 2019 is a competitive soccer video game. Winning Eleven 2012 Apk is a modified version of the Winning XI, 2012 Android game.

Entering the game, you will transform into an amateur football player, through small matches the character will gradually become a professional player. But still keeping the tradition as in previous versions, World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012 is still the version that many young people are looking for. If you are a fan of classic matches, you are no stranger to the Winning Eleven series, which is over 10 years old and always upgraded in parallel with EA’s FIFA series.